Dear Planning Board Members and City Council:

Cutting to the chase, I respectfully request that you deny the Mountain Gateway PUD and Zoning Map Application submitted by Arim Mountain Gateway.

As always, the devil is in the details and the details tell me that this proposed PUD and Zone Map Amendment is ill conceived. Simply put, it is not ripe for prime time.

The proposed PUD and Zone Change does not appear to adequately address traffic and a variety of environmental issues such as storm water, water quality, and air quality. It also fails to examine the social and community impact of creating what I see as a satellite development separate from Whitefish proper.

The “gift” of 1.5 acres for a potential fire station as a community benefit is a red herring. There is no provision to build, staff, or maintain a station other than to saddle all taxpayers, Citywide, with the cost of providing fire protection for this development.

As the proposal receives greater community visibility and scrutiny it is vital that it be evaluated in a way that honors the community vision outlined in the Growth Policy Vision statement. Don’t be rushed in your decision-making; a decision of this magnitude is a forever decision that will define our community beyond our lifetimes.

As always, thank you for your dedication to our City.

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