Dear City Council and Planning Board:

The summer news is filled with the reality of massive wildfires. We endure them every

summer here in Whitefish in the form of smoke, but they have not hit here, yet. When one hits

Town, or nearby, and begins ripping eastward towards Big Mountain, how will citizens


There is only one road out in the event the fire spreads north of town and the Lake…East

Lakeshore Drive and Wisconsin Avenue.

Did you notice the traffic this summer on Wisconsin Avenue, absent any Canadians? It is a

horror show, as two lanes can not possibly accommodate the summer crowds, much less a

Zoning change to allow hundreds more to access safety via Wisconsin Avenue.

All the other arguments against this large a development pale by comparison to the

dysfunction we have NOW on Wisconsin Avenue, and it makes zero sense to pretend

otherwise. Is the City going to build a new viaduct and 4 lanes in and out of town….and if so,

how will Baker Avenue absorb such growth?

The answer to this application is obvious: Do not change the zoning, and pray that an

alternate escape to Wisconsin Avenue can be envisioned first in the future.

Thank you,

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